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Real Life Diet Questions Answered

Angela Dowden

Posted 14 Jul 10

How can I avoid snacking on 'bad' foods at work?

Hi, I work as a waitress, which means I do a fair amount of activity at work, however, it is always too tempting to snack on food (for example if a baguette is too well toasted to send out I will eat it). Aside from work I stick to my diet well but I end up eating a lot of food there most of the time. It varies but I would estimate it is adding between 200 and 500 calories to my diary. Any suggestions for how to stop being tempted at work? When I can I take my meals to work with me but this does not seem to be enough. Thank you

Our expert says...



This does seem like a problem, and I’d suggest if you are grazing all the time on the restaurant food, it’s very hard to actually accurately estimate the calories you are consuming. Certainly the solution does seem to be to take your food with you and to make sure it’s something substantial. How about taking several calorie counted snacks that you can graze on instead of the food at work? That way you’ll be having something to pick at when you’re tempted, but not food you don’t know the calorie count of and which could interfere with your weight loss efforts. Perhaps you might also enlist the help of colleagues who can support you (nag you!) if you do look like you are going to weaken. Basically the more you can avoid this food the better and employing as many tricks as you can to ensure you don’t weaken is going to be your best strategy! Good luck.



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