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Real Life Diet Questions Answered

Angela Dowden

Posted 16 Sep 10

Is the same breakfast everyday ok?

I eat a very balanced and broad range of foods for lunch and dinner however I am eating the same breakfast everyday. This is 40g all bran, 90g chopped banana, 125ml soy milk. Is this ok or should I vary my breakfasts?

Our expert says...



I really wouldn’t worry too much about this.  I think if you asked around, you would find that most people eat the same breakfast most days out of convenience and shortage of time in the mornings! 


As long as the rest of your diet is varied and balance, you are eating your 5-a-day, and you enjoy your breakfast, I would carry on as you are. It sounds like a good breakfast to me.  If you really wanted to, maybe you could consider alternating the banana occasionally for a different piece of fruit........just to vary things a little?

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