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Real Life Diet Questions Answered

Angela Dowden

Posted 05 Apr 11

Nutrient content of slow cooker vegetables

I have taken to throwing a whole heap of veg into my slow cooker with a stock cube before going for my evening hour long slog. When I get back I eat the contents of the pot including the liquid. Am I getting all the veg nutrients or are some being lost in the cooking?

Our expert says...

Hi, and thanks for your interesting question. I wish I could answer it more accurately, but there is actually very little research on the loss of nutrients in this slow, lowish heat method.


However, because the food is kept just below boiling point, and because you are only cooking it for an hour, not all day, I’d say that this is actually a good method – the crucial point being that this is a closed pot method of cooking   with a percentage of the nutrients that would have been lost by cooking in an uncovered pot being retained in the stewing fluid, which you then eat.


And you can’t dismiss the very important fact that you are eating a pile of veg that you perhaps otherwise wouldn’t be eating! I’d say that what you are doing is very healthy and better than eating veg that has been over boiled or stirfried too long. Do add some protein to it though  – like grilled fish or some chicken, as well as a little carb (which could be in the form of tinned beans added to the veg mix)  to make it a more filling and balanced meal.

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