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Real Life Diet Questions Answered

Angela Dowden

Posted 16 Sep 10

Protein for breakfasts

Can you give me ideas for protein breakfasts, especially sweet ideas? Thanks

Our expert says...

Hi there,


The easiest way to make a protein breakfast sweet is to use fruits that you like to sweeten it.  By this I mean if you are eating a high protein muesli (with plenty of nuts and seeds), sweeten it with a topping of chopped fresh fruit or dried fruits that have been soaked overnight to give a softer texture.


Or if you like dairy to be your protein source, you could stir in some sugar-free jam into a natural yoghurt along with some fresh fruit.  Alternatively, smoothies could fulfil your criteria, as you could blend fresh fruit, milk and/or yoghurt together with a small handful of nuts or seeds for added protein and a bit of crunch!  This makes a nice transportable breakfast too.


I hope I have given you some new ideas to think about.

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