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Real Life Diet Questions Answered

Angela Dowden

Posted 15 Oct 10

Struggling and feeling weak

Hi, I have a very physical job and I often feel weak and lacking in energy come halfway through the week. Should I be eating more carbs but which ones? I also exercise twice a week and walk an hour most days. Help? Joyce

Our expert says...

Hi Joyce,


We do get most of our energy from carbohydrates, so if you are feeling low in energy I would certainly start by taking a look at the carbs you are eating.


A healthy recommendation is that around 50-55% of our daily calories should come from carbohydrate, so first of all take a look at your food diary and see if you are eating enough.  You also need to spread this fairly evenly throughout the day (and week) to ensure that you get a constant supply of energy, so it is a good idea to check that each meal contains some form of carbohydrate, no matter how small.


The best types of carbs are the complex, brown ones which contain the most fibre and vitamins and minerals.  These keep your fuller for longer as well as being more nutritious.  So look for wholegrain breakfast cereals, wholemeal and seeded breads, whole-wheat pasta and brown rice.  If you don’t like some of these, try mixing some of the white and brown versions together, for example you can do this with cooked white and brown rice.  Hopefully, with a few simple changes you will notice some big improvements in energy!

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