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Real Life Diet Questions Answered

Angela Dowden

Posted 23 Jul 10

Too much fruit?????

Is it possible to eat too much fruit? I know the sugars that come from fruit are different to say those in a chocolate bar, but can they still affect weight loss if eaten in excess? :-)

Our expert says...


Hi,Well, the answer to this is yes they could! Fruit, and fruit sugars, contain calories and if eaten in excess and/or the calories are not taken into account in a food diary they could cause weight gain.Many dieters are very surprised when they add up the calories in something like a smoothie or fruit salad for the first time.However, if fruit is eaten as part of a balanced diet and accounted for in your food diary you will be fine. Fruit sugars are much better for you than artificial sugar, as they tend to come with loads of fibre and other nutrients in the fruit! However, be careful if you eat a lot of fruit on its own or on an empty stomach, such as first thing in the morning. You can still get a sugar rush and blood sugar dip, which can leave you feeling low and hungry. I always try to have a little protein or carbohydrate with my fruit snack between meals, such as a couple of nuts or a cracker. The extra calories are well worth it as they keep me feeling fuller for much longer than fruit alone does. Try it and see!

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