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Real Life Diet Questions Answered

Angela Dowden

Posted 17 Oct 10

Eating when bored

Help!!! I'm great at keeping to low calorie items from morning till 5pm but once I finish work and have to start dinner I just cant keep to the cals and start to pig out. I've tried to be good most evenings even doing exercise on the bike, I have the motivation to lose weight during the day, but when the evening comes I'm just so bored and with nothing to do I just eat. I seriously need someone to kick me up the backside and tell me to cop on. I want to lose weight for my wedding, but also for my health as my BMI is 40 ish, and that is totally bad. Normal Breakfast: Cornflakes, Low fat Milk, sugar and sometimes banana. Tea c/w LF milk. Lunch: Toasted ham and cheese sandwich. Dinner - Anything I can get my hands on - good or bad... Thanks for reading this. Marian

Our expert says...

Hi Marian,


Well, thanks for your question, as I am sure it is one that loads of people can relate to.  I wish I had the magic answer, as I would be a very rich lady if I did!  But hopefully I have a few ideas and tricks for you to try.


Strange as it may sound, it often helps to eat more during the day.  This is because we sometimes try to ‘save’ our calories for the evening, which results in us getting over hungry and losing control.  If our blood sugar drops too low by the evening our brain will tell us to eat as much as we can to get our blood glucose levels back up again and it at this point we don’t make the wisest choices or have the most self-control.  So I would advise you to try and eat some more filling foods during the day – your diet looks a little low in fibre and fibre helps fill us up.  Could you swap to a wholegrain breakfast cereal, eat more fruit, try some wholemeal or wholegrain bread and always have some salad with your lunch, I wonder?


Then I would recommend planning for your evenings, with both food and activities!  Plan what you are going to eat, snacks and all, and what you are going to do.  Keep your mind and your hands busy, using family and friends if need be.  A lot of what we do is habit and once you break the bad habits and form some new ones things will be a lot easier.


You sound very determined and that is half the battle.  Good luck! 

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