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Real Life Diet Questions Answered

Angela Dowden

Posted 03 Nov 10

How can I avoid pigging out during my period?

I've been doing really well for about two weeks now and lost about 7lbs but every time I have my period I get very bad stomach pain and nothing seems to help other than chocolate and fat. I pigged out yesterday and now feel I'm back to square one as I've gone so over my calories for the week. How can I stop this cycle?

Our expert says...

  Thanks for your query. It’s hard to say why chocolate and fat seem to ease your stomach pain, but I guess if you’re having pelvic cramps of the sort that just make you want to curl up, there’s a comfort food element in your choice of foods.   Of all the natural treatments and remedies that have been tried for PMS, one that seems to work best is a high calcium diet, so you could try making sure that you have a lot of low fat dairy products in the form of low fat fruit yogurts, skimmed milk shakes and smoothies (how about a chocolate one so you feel treated!). Then it also pays to eat little and often and to have complex carbohydrates and protein combinations (such as a chicken sandwich or prawn pasta salad) that release energy slowly. Don’t forget oily fish, which might help keep inflammation at bay. If you do eat a little more around your period, don't beat yourself up too much as it is quite natural. Just try to get back on track as soon as you can. Exercise helps period pain too, so do as much as you can, which will have the useful side effect of burning extra calories too.

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