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Real Life Diet Questions Answered

Angela Dowden

Posted 12 Apr 11

Weight gain after good loss

Hi, I have never had a problem losing excess weight gained after having 3 children or after putting a few pounds on during the winter etc. I just had to up my exercise and watch that I cut out junk food. A few years ago, during my late 30s, I put on about 3 stone after going through a divorce and housemove and let my exercise and diet totally go to pot. After these stressful events had passed, I decided I needed to loose the weight quickly so I went on a low carb diet, eating just cereal and toast for breakfast and then low fat protein for the remainder of the day. I went to the gym 3 or 4 times a week. This worked for me and within 6 months I had dropped the excess weight and was back at my usual 9 stone (I am 5 ft 4). However, I began to feel tired and lethargic so I was advised to eat a more balanced diet and spread my carbs out throughout the day rather than just eating them at breakfast time. 18 months later and I find myself at 11 1/2 stone and I cannot shift this excess weight, no matter what I do. I don't want to go back to the low carb thing as I don't believe it was good for me. I have tried counting calories, I have cut out all alcohol, I go to the gym twice a week and walk a lot, as I work full time now and don't have the time to do anymore exercise. I have been at this weight now for about a year and I simply cannot get a single pound to fall. Its so frustrating for me since I have never struggled to succeed before this. I was wondering if I have ruined my chances of losing weight easily since I lost the previous big weight gain so quickly? I am 42 years old, is it possible that my hormones are to blame? This is beginning to take over my every day thoughts. Thank you and hope you can help.

Our expert says...

Hi and thanks for your query.


First I’d like to put your mind at rest as there’s no evidence that your past diet history can influence (positively or negatively) your ability to lose weight now. Previous behaviour and habits can of course colour your current behaviour and habits, and there may have been changes between now and then (hormonal shifts, lean tissue loss or ageing) that may have altered how successful you are likely to be, but nothing physical about what you have done in the past is stopping you losing weight now, so it’s important not to beat yourself up about that!


But turning to your present situation – I’m not sure how long it is that you have being trying to lose weight this time round, but it would seem like about a year? If this is the case it does seem quite extraordinary that you haven’t lost some pounds (or perhaps you lose a few and then put them on again?). I say this because I couldn’t help noticing in your diary that you seem to have gone over on your calories more than a handful of days and am wondering if this is likely to be a recurring problem?


If you are finding it hard to keep to your target, one tip could be to take the high protein element of your previous low carb regimen and incorporate that in your current diet, but without the very strict carb restriction. Protein is satiating and may just help to make meeting your calorie target easier. If you can honestly say that you’ve kept up your calorie restriction and an exercise regimen such as the one you describe for at least a month I would suggest seeing your GP.


Hope this helps!

You are advised to seek medical advice before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle with an aim of weight loss. This website and the content provided should not be used by persons under 18, by pregnant or nursing women, or individuals with any type of health condition, except under the direct supervision of a qualified medical professional. The information contained in these articles, and elsewhere on this website, is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to replace, and does not constitute legal, professional, medical or healthcare advice or diagnosis and may not be used for such purposes. Continue...