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Real Life Diet Questions Answered

Angela Dowden

Posted 09 Jan 11

Will wine used for cooking keep all its calories?

Perhaps a silly question - I was just wondering if wine used in cooking would have the same calories as normal - as in effect you are cooking off the alcohol? I know its a small thing, but every little helps! I love cooking with wine in bolognese and chilli, and white wine with chicken dishes, but am wary of the calorie content. If it is any different, then how would this best be put into the food diary?

Thank you.

Our expert says...


Thanks for your query – it’s not a silly one. The amount of alcohol remaining after cooking will depend a lot on the cooking process and more may remain than you think!

As alcoholic drinks also contain calories from elements other than alcohol (ingredients such as sugar for example) I think, unfortunately you would be safer to use the full calorie value for wine you add to food. A very interesting query though!


Hope that helps.

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